Bus tickets from Luverne, MN To Dothan, AL
Find the lowest prices on bus tickets from Luverne to Dothan.
We have your bus tickets from Luverne, MN To Dothan, AL ready to book now at the lowest prices available from our network of bus carriers. BusTickets.com is your one-stop source for simple and stress-free bus travel, offering scheduled bus route services from the most reliable and well-known bus carriers.
Bus stop locations in Luverne, MN
1002 S Kniss Ave
Luverne, MN 56156
The current weather in Luverne, MN is loading...
Bus stop locations in Dothan, AL
2190 Ross Clark Cir.
Dothan, AL 36301
The current weather in Dothan, AL is loading...
Nearby Food And Resources
Restaurants Near Luverne, MN
Transit Stations Near Luverne, MN
- Jefferson Lines
- Century Theaters (east side near driveway)
- Walmart
- Foss at East Ryan Place
- Sycamore/8th NE corner near Knopf Assisted Living
- Walmart (West Side of Bldg)
- 12th/Kennedy NW corner
- 18th/Sycamore/SW corner
- 3rd/Montgomery Court SW corner
- 3rd/Washington High School entrance (west of drive)
- 6th/Dewberry SW corner
Parking Near Luverne, MN
Airports Near Luverne, MN
Restaurants Near Dothan, AL
Transit Stations Near Dothan, AL
Parking Near Dothan, AL
Airports Near Dothan, AL
- Dothan Regional Airport
- Lowe Army Heliport
- Marianna Municipal Airport
- Goldberg Stagefield Ahp Heliport
- Headland Municipal APRPT-0J6
- Ech Stagefield Ahp Heliport
- Molinelli Stagefield Ahp Heliport
- Ozark Airport - Blackwell Field
- Allen Stagefield Ahp Heliport
- Hooper Stagefield Ahp Heliport
- Toth Stagefield AHP
Frequently Asked Questions
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